School Leavers
Integer fringilla eget nibh at pellentesque. Nulla suscipit dolor vitae molestie malesuada. Proin viverra lacus vel quam vehicula, id accumsan lectus aliquam.
Information for school leavers
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus vel mollis arcu. Aenean libero purus, tincidunt sed justo eget, tincidunt pharetra lorem. Donec volutpat mi vitae magna vulputate viverra id ac urna.
Morbi id elit lectus. Mauris eu tempus est, sed consequat leo. Praesent ut rhoncus nibh. Vivamus vel ligula eros. Integer tincidunt quis quam nec lacinia. Maecenas auctor erat mauris, interdum laoreet nisl suscipit sit amet.
Additional information for School Leavers

Funding for school leavers
The College offers bursaries for eligible students aged 16-18 three bursaries.
“I love everything about college including the environment, tutors, and students. My course is very hands-on which has helped me learn lots of very important life skills which are needed in industry.”
Omer Jawdat Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Engineering
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15ish words. Mauris mollis ultricies elit, quis mattis neque vehicula in.
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